胡安·博尼拉(Juan Bonilla)


胡安·博尼拉(Juan Bonilla)是空中的主要经济学家。他拥有在发展中国家对经济和教育计划进行影响评估的八年以上的经验小学生的补习数学和阅读课程,作为中学生的第二语言课程的英语和哥伦比亚教育规定的公私合作伙伴计划。He is currently the principal investigator of an experimental evaluation of a farmer’s extension program in Kenya, a quasi-experimental impact evaluation of contract farming in Ethiopia, Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, and Uganda, and an unconditional cash transfer for communities in crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Dr. Bonilla has served on the scientific committee for the Latin American and the Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) and the Brazilian Econometric Society.


胡安·博尼拉(Juan Bonilla)

