Kiersten Strombotne

Senior Economic Researcher

Kiersten Strombotne is a senior economic researcher at AIR, where she specializes in econometrics and health research. Dr. Strombotne leads the analyses for randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental designs on projects in the areas of behavioral health and the social determinants of health. She is the co-principal investigator on an NIH grant to evaluate the impact of peer effects of obesity in NYC public schools. Additionally, she provides econometric support to the analysis of AIR’s Project Talent-Medicare linked dataset to examine the relationship between early life factors and late life health and health expenditures.

Dr. Strombotne regularly collaborates with a diverse group of social scientists, government officials, and public health practitioners and has supported project work for multiple agencies, including the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Singapore Ministry of Health, and The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ph.D., Health Policy and Management, Yale University
