Markus Broer


马库斯·布罗尔(Markus Broer)博士是AIR的一名执行研究员,他目前担任大型项目的研究,分析和心理测量支持部分的项目主管(Essin Task 14)。Essin任务14在与国家教育进步评估有关的问题(NAEP)有关的问题上,通过专家建议和技术援助支持国家教育统计中心。布罗尔博士在曾在播出的先前职位上为学生评估领域提供了技术援助,例如各种国际项目(例如在乌克兰,尼加拉瓜,洪都拉斯,巴基斯坦,纳米比亚),并管理了多方面的1,650万美元的Excelencia/USAID初级教育改进尼加拉瓜的项目(以及该国的其他两个空中领导的项目)。

In his previous position as the senior psychometrician of the Student Assessment Office under the Supreme Education Council of Qatar, Dr. Broer was involved in the development of the country’s national student assessment system and he also managed Qatar’s first participation in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS; 2006 cycle) as the country’s National Research Coordinator. Before that, Dr. Broer worked as a visiting scholar in the Center for Global Assessment at the Educational Testing Service where he worked on the Adult Literacy and Lifeskills survey and led a research project on Differential Item Functioning in GRE writing prompts.

Dr. Broer received his Master’s and Ph.D. in psychology with a specialization in measurement and cross-cultural psychology from the University of Vienna, Austria. His native language is German; he has near-native Spanish language skills and intermediate proficiency in French.

