
Approximately 13% of Zambia’s 15- to 49-year-olds are living with HIV, and the nation’s long-term vision is to end the threat of the disease by 2030. HIV/AIDS is a cross-cutting issue: Zambian leaders hope to simultaneously reduce transmission of other sexually transmitted infections, as well as abortions and teenage pregnancies. However, a lack of correct and comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health, as well as the continued practice of risky behaviors among some adolescents, stands in the way of achieving that goal. Further, baseline data suggest that Zambia’s Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum, which has been implemented in schools for students in grades five through 12, faces numerous challenges, including limited willingness among teachers to participate and inadequate training materials.


与德国康斯坦茨大学的教授安塞尔姆·克里克(Anselm Rink,Ph.D.根据结果​​报告,该计划对分配接受该计划的学生产生了广泛的积极影响,并且对未参加该计划的学生有积极的溢出。定性数据还表明,学生和老师对JIC的支持。



  • 分配给JIC的学生对HIV进行测试的可能性更大,而在过去六个月中,访问计划生育服务的医疗机构的可能性更高。
  • 该计划具有积极的溢出效果:在过去六个月中,没有被任命接受该计划的治疗学校的学生比对照学校的可比学生高4个百分点。
  • 参加JIC的学生比非参与者正确命名家庭计划方法的可能性高6个百分点。
  • 但是,评估结果几乎没有证据表明JIC增加了避孕套使用或HIV知识。

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