

赞比亚地图为了解决这一问题,国家食品和营养委员会(NFNC)与包括英国国际发展部(DFID)在内的几个捐助者协调,开发了一项为期三年的捆绑捆绑,多部门计划,称为第一个1000个最关键的计划Days (MCDP) in order to address Zambia’s child undernutrition. Care, in conjunction with the NFNC, coordinates the implementation and delivery of the program in 14 districts across Zambia through several ministries. The program targets households with pregnant women or children under 24 months and includes a package of activities that focuses on maternal and child nutrition and health. DfID Zambia contracted AIR and its partners, Palm Associates and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, to conduct the evaluation of the MCDP.


  • 帮助设计程序的实施;
  • 确定应该如何扩展程序;和
  • 评估捆绑营养干预措施对粮食安全,健康和营养成果的影响。
